A thermal imaging inspection involves using a FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared) camera, Infrared Camera (IR), or videos to check the outside or inside of a building or home. It looks for water and moisture that may be inside the walls. Infrared Cameras are used to determine the efficiency of insulation in buildings, insulation that has accumulated moisture due to leaking in the building structure. Through the use of advanced infrared imaging systems, we can diagnose many different types of applications. Most of these rely on the analysis of thermal patterns emitted by various surfaces and equipment. Below are some of the uses of infrared testing.
Benefits of Using Infrared Thermal Imaging During Inspections
Reliability - When using Infrared Thermal Imaging we can safely and reliably determine the source of concerns in the inspection process with easy non-invasive and non-destructive testing so you know what you are really buying into.
Affordability - Potential problems can be found before they become a real nightmare, preventing unexpected shut downs in your commercial property or having expensive repair cost in your new home.
See Beyond The Naked Eye
Roofing Infrared Inspections - Roof moisture inspections can locate saturated wet insulation by identifying possible leaks and sources of potential issues which can decrease the cost of spendy roof repairs/replacement.
Electrical Faults - Issues with electrical connections, wiring or other system components are highlighted in images as ‘hot spots”, making them easier to locate and determine repairs needed.
Structural Defects - Commercial Building and Homes can be diagnosed quickly and thoroughly using infrared imaging, identifying problems areas that cannot be seen with the naked eye ensuring the integrity of the structural and environmental system. Infrared Inspections can Locate water leaks from windows, air conditioners, water penetration of the stucco, condensation issues, and drain lines and plumbing lines.
We look forward to assisting you with all your real estate and commercial building inspection needs!